Contemporary Rugs


Contemporary Rugs

From design-forward carpets that you haven't yet seen on the internet, to our curated collection of carpets for a relaxed lifestyle, you will be astounded at the breath of our inventory.

See Examples

Antique Rugs

Our business began 50 yers ago with a collection.  Our love of fine antique rugs has never abated, and we have one of the largest inventories of old rugs in the Southeast.  If you are in the market, come to us first!  

See Examples


Antique Rugs

Florida Collection


The Florida Collection

The Pallet of Florida, chosen for a relaxed lifestyle, all chosen and made to work easily into your home.

See Examples


Concierge Services

Let us find you the perfect rug!  Starting with a few guidelines, (like size and budget) if a such a rug exists, we can hunt it down!  Give us some information, and we will get started. Consider us your "Personal Rug Shopper".